ATF EFT Fingerprint file for eForms
***It's HERE!*** The preferred method of the ATF. Create an EFT file for ATF eForm
Service Description
FFL dealers, gun shops, or those wishing to obtain NFA items and establish gun trusts can use our electronic fingerprinting conversion to get their ATF eForm application in the "express lane" with the ATF. Dealers and individuals can use our ATF compliant Live Scan devices and licensed software to create "fingerprint EFT files" for submission to the Form 1 & 4 ATF eFile portal. NFA Compliant ATF 41 Form 5230.4 - commonly know as the ATF eForm4- is used to transfer and register an NFA firearm to an individual or a legal entity such as a "firearm trust". With our software, you will have the ability to upload your fingerprints electronically (through an EFT file) for ATF eForm 1 & 4. It is the ATF's preferred method of receiving fingerprint files. Which means you get your application reviewed earlier. The alternate means, being to mail in a physical ink fingerprinting card that will be matched-up with your ATF Form 4 application. You come in, get your fingerprints scanned, and leave with an encrypted file which only the ATF can decode to use your prints to run your background check when the EFT file is uploaded onto the ATF eForm wizard. https://www.atf.gov/firearms/applications-eforms/video-tutorial-form-4
Cancellation Policy
Need to cancel or reschedule? no problem. Your payment remains as store credit towards any service. Simply walk-in, and be seen by the next available technician.
Contact Details
6545 North Academy Boulevard, Colorado Springs, CO, USA